Download Telebreeze IPTV/OTT player and you'll find the original video content about IPTV/OTT industry created by Telebreeze Corporation. We are preparing a training video course “Telebreeze Education” for our customers.
Learn how to use Telebreeze components:
• Middleware
• Multiplatform Player
• Media Server
• Coder
• Video on Demand Server
Find out how to manage content, subscribers, monitor streaming servers, work with billing and monetization tools, statistics and reports etc.
Telebreeze IPTV/OTT player is a multi-functional, white-label player that can work on any screen. Player demonstrates the following features:
• Live streaming playback and playback from the repository
• Pause, stop and rewind live streams
• Video on Demand search and playback
• Ad insertion mechanisms
Telebreeze was founded in 2011 by the team of video encoding experts. We develop software products for IPTV/OTT projects worldwide (170+ successful projects in 69 countries). We help our clients and partners to grow by providing them professional consultancy and our solutions.